Our Mission
Our Vision
Our Core Distinctives
We believe that God so loved the world that He sent His only Son, Jesus Christ, into the world not to condemn the world, but to save the world through Him (John 3:16-17). Each staff and volunteer at the Philadelphia Access Center had made a personal confession of faith in Jesus Christ. We want others to know and experience the freedom that we have found in Jesus Christ. We are committed to carrying the Good News to every individual with whom we interact.
We pattern our service on Jesus Christ’s earthly ministry, looking to His teaching to understand how to treat those who come to us in need. We follow Jesus’ example of meeting physical needs as a way to impart spiritual truth.
Partnership, Not Paternalism
We are committed to partnering with our guests to co-create sustainable solutions for the future. Believing that every person is created in the image of God, we practice without discrimination and with respect for our guests’ age, culture, ability, ethnicity, family structure, gender, marital status, national origin, socioeconomic status, race, religion, sex, or sexual orientation. We respect each guest's right to confidentiality and self-determination.
Relationships, Not Relief
The Philadelphia Access Center is an organization based on relationships that are the product of much time, investment, and love. We have intentionally chosen not to center our services on providing money, food, clothing, or housing.
Collaboration, Not Competition
We collaborate and refer to other churches and organizations that we feel will serve the best interest of our guests. We do not refer to places where we feel guests will be mistreated or done a disservice.